Volusia Business Resources offers a new service on their website called the Funding Readiness Center! Small business owners can find plenty of information about funding for their small business, explanations of funding options, and
It features six different tabs, each with different guides and information to help your business thrive:
- Funding Overview – An introduction to business funding. It provides a video guide walking the small business owner through different approaches to funding as well as options depending on business growth.
- Readiness Intro – An introduction to the Funding Readiness Center itself. It’s video shows how to navigate the tabs, create an account in the Readiness Checkup to see if small business owners are funding ready, and use the resources in the other tabs.
- Readiness Checkup – An interactive checklist where a small business owner can answer various yes or no questions to find out if they are funding ready. It provides video explanations and text guides on how to solve issues pertaining to the question itself
- Readiness Training – A collection of pages to help small business owners learn more about funding before communicating with funding providers. There are helpful articles on credit scores, business plans, budgeting, etc.
- Funding Options – A collection of options a small business owner can use as funding for their business. It provides a short description of each option, as well as time, cost, and amount of work to receive that funding.
- Funding Selection – A seven question quiz where small business owners can find the best funding solutions for them. It recommends options based on answers, and displays a list of the available options at the end.
Ready to start? The Funding Readiness Center can be found here on Volusia Business Resources’ website: Funding Readiness Center, or by clicking the video below: